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Staying Alive Teaches You to Thrive

Many articles supported by data prove how COVID has tilted the scales in favour of big businesses and individuals with assets.

I agree. However, I believe that there is another group that will benefit. They are young and marginalized, and many live on or below the poverty line. They don't have a degree, their parents don't have a robust network, but they do have survival instincts honed long before this pandemic.

These people are hungry, they fight for every opportunity, food on their table, and a better life. They are creative, resourceful and they collaborate to work together as a community. These are the skills we all will need in the future economy.

To illustrate my point imagine hiking with a friend and you get horribly lost an hour before sunset. (Future economy). Would you want your friend to be someone who has survived living off the land or someone with a degree in being a Park Guide?

I have four Chatter that Matters interviews that prove my thesis. Each is inspirational, and all offer practical and powerful ideas on thriving, based on what they learn surviving. Their hands bleed from the school of hard knocks.

Curtis Carmichael, OCT grew up in the projects and did everything he could to help his family survive. He peddled drugs, refurbished bicycles and hustled. Listen to this episode and his idea for unleashing these skills, and then ask yourself where is our taxes better spent in education. Someone like Curtis with a bold plan, or status quo and rising dropout rates. Listen here.

Mohamad Fakih, C.M. is an immigrant who worked two jobs and ate stale donuts to survive. Today he has the Order of Canada pinned to his chest, has made a vast amount of money, and spends a lot of his time and money giving back. Whom would you want helping immigrants to get a foothold in our country - a politician or Mohamad Fakih? Listen here.

Laura Hearn battled an eating disorder for twenty years and today has reclaimed her health. Should Laura be the one helping to design our mental wellness programs or are we better served with someone armed with education and not true to life experience? Listen here.

Mike Fata dropped out of high school and ballooned to 300 pounds on a diet of junk food and self-pity. He co-founded and sold it for over $400 million. Where would your kids get more benefit from learning about what it really takes to be an entrepreneur? Listen here.


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